Grade 1 Turkey School Math Adding 3
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Master this topic as part of Addition Skill Builder
1.1. Longer and Shorter
1.2. Longest and Shortest
1.3. Bigger and Smaller
1.4. Biggest and Smallest
1.5. Taller and Shorter
1.6. Tallest and Shortest
1.7. Thicker and Thinner
1.9. Heavier and Lighter
1.10. Heaviest and Lightest
1.11. Near and Far
1.12. More and Less
2.1. Top and Bottom
2.2. On and Under
2.3. Above and Below
2.4. Inside and Outside
2.5. Left and Right
2.6. Behind and Front
2.7. Closed and Open
2.8. Before and After
3.1. Counting Numbers
3.2. Number Names
3.3. Comparing Numbers
3.5.1. By Using Number Line
3.6. Ordinal Numbers
3.7. Number Combinations
3.7.1. To form the Number 1
3.7.2. To form the Number 2
3.7.3. To form the Number 3
3.7.4. To form the Number 4
3.7.5. To form the Number 5
3.7.6. To form the Number 6
3.7.7. To form the Number 7
3.7.8. To form the Number 8
3.7.9. To form the Number 9
3.7.10. To form the Number 10
6.4. Place Value
6.7. Expanded Form
6.7.1. Numerals in Expanded Form
6.7.2. Numerals in Short Form
6.9. Comparing Numbers
7.2.2. Addition to Make 10
7.3. Addition Sentences
7.4. Add and Compare
7.6. Addition of Zero
7.7. Addition Strategies
8.3. Subtract and Compare
8.4.1. Subtracting 1
8.4.2. Subtracting 2
8.4.3. Subtracting 3
8.4.4. Subtracting 4
8.4.5. Subtracting 5
8.4.6. Subtracting 6
8.4.7. Subtracting 7
8.4.8. Subtracting 8
8.4.9. Subtracting 9
8.4.10. Subtraction From 10
8.4.11. Subtraction From 20
8.5. Subtraction of Zero
10.1. Addition
10.1.2. Column Addition Add Two Two-Digit Numbers Add Two Two-Digit Numbers (Without Carrying) Add Two Two-Digit Numbers (With Carrying)
10.2. Subtraction
10.2.2. Column Subtraction Subtract Two Two-Digit Numbers Subtract Two Two-Digit Numbers (With Borrowing)
11. Multiplication
12. Skip Counting
12.1. Skip Counting by 2
12.2. Skip Counting by 3
12.3. Skip Counting by 4
12.4. Skip Counting by 5
12.5. Skip Counting by 6
12.6. Skip Counting by 7
12.7. Skip Counting by 8
12.8. Skip Counting by 9
12.9. Skip Counting by 10
13.1. Patterns
13.1.1. Introduction to Pattern
13.1.2. Pattern in Alphabets
13.1.3. Pattern in Shapes
13.1.4. Pattern in Numerals
13.1.5. Odd One Out
13.2. Shapes
13.2.1. Plane Shapes (2-D shapes) Open and Closed Shapes
13.2.2. Solid Shapes (3-D shapes) Solid Shapes Around Us Identify Sliding and Rolling Objects
14. Time
14.1. Concept of Day and Night
14.3. Use of 'AM' and 'PM'
14.4. Clock
14.5. Calendar
14.5.1. Days of the Week
14.5.2. Months of the Year
14.5.3. Reading a Calendar
14.5.4. Seasons of the Year
15. Probability